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Membership fees are £120 per annum, and can be paid termly if required.

For further membership information or to come along & give us a try
Call Norma Bass 01702 347983

Concert uniform


Smart black trousers or ankle length black skirt, with plain, long sleeved shirt-style blouse and black footwear.

We also wear a scarf, red or yellow according to the season or event, which can be purchased from Choir in advance of your first concert.

Any jewellery should be discreet & handbags should be small.


According to the season or event may be either:-

Plain black long sleeved shirt, black trousers, socks & shoes, with a red tie at Christmas available to purchase from Choir before concert

or  dinner jackets, white shirts, black trousers etc and black tie.


A plain black folder is also needed for concerts, which must be purchased by the member from Choir.

We do not currently charge for the use of scores, but voluntary contributions are greatly welcomed.